There’s nothing like a pot roast for a classic Sunday family dinner. It’s delicious and chock-full of nutrients.

Pot roasts speak of warmness and wholesomeness. Plus, you can make a hearty pot roast without spending too much on expensive beef cuts. What’s more, the leftovers can be used to make sandwiches, pita wraps, or stir-fry.

In this detailed blog, we’ve talked about all-things pot roast. So let’s dig in, shall we?

Digging Deeper: What is Pot Roast?

Before we move on to our pot roast recipe, let’s brush up on our knowledge about this classic beef dish for meat lovers. Sunday pot roasts are cooked at low temperatures, preferably in pressure cookers to achieve that juicy, tender, melt-in-the-mouth meaty texture.

Sunday pot roast ingredients on a white table

The slow-cooking technique helps the beef absorb the flavorful gravy. Serve it with some homemade garlic bread, mashed potatoes, or pita.

Here’s the recipe for a delicious Sunday pot roast:


  • 1 whole Chuck Roast (About 1 Kg or 3 Pounds)
  • 2 tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 2 big, white Onions
  • 6 to 8 crunchy carrots OR 1 dozen baby carrots
  • 4 to 5 diced Potatoes
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 cup Beef Broth or Red Wine
  • 3 cups Beef Stock
  • Fresh Thyme and Rosemary to taste


  1. Choose well-marbled meat to achieve a good-looking pot roast. Marinate it with a generous amount of salt and pepper. Set aside.
  2. Preheat the oven to 275˚. Turn on your stove on medium flame and put a large Dutch oven or a pot over it.
  3. Add olive oil or butter. 
  4. Add diced onions, carrots, and potatoes into the pot. Fry the veggies until they’re golden brown.
  5. You can add more olive oil if required.
  6. Carefully lift the marinated chuck roast and place it into the pot.
  7. Sear for a few minutes and plate it. 
  8. In the same pot, add beef broth to get the most of that grill-y flavor from seared meat and veggies.
  9. Let the broth bubble and then proceed to place the chuck roast back into the pot. Pour in the beef stock or red wine and add the fried veggies. Sprinkle thyme and rosemary sprigs and cover it with the lid.
  10. Roast it for about 3 hours in the oven. Adjust the duration if you’ve chosen a bigger beef marble.

Looking for more recipes online? Check out Cali Yum today! I’m Ahlam, a cooking and baking lover. I share nutritious and delicious healthy food recipes. You can also find gluten-free Moroccan or Mediterranean recipes on my recipe blog.

For more details, contact me today!

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